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Life’s Choices

Hotel BookingJust ompleted back to back life choice sessions

The main theme of Brent’s presentation is around the bad choices he made when it came to drinking and using drugs and the diabolical consequences that flowed from his choice to binge drink and party on that fateful day back in September 2006.

His life story is testament to how everybody is free to make choices, however they will have to live with the consequences of their choice.

Audiences are on the edge of their seats one minute and roaring with laughter the next as they listen to Brent relate the monumental battle he has fought, and continues to fight every day as he steadfastly rebuilds his life.

Over the past 4 years Brent has delivered hundreds of presentations to Year 10, 11 and 12 at schools and he is constantly delivering his message to people who are struggling to find work and deal with their issues in life.

Brent’s presentations vary from 30 to 60 minutes.